Bins out


Submission id number: 963533

Submitter name:


Do you want to speak to Councillors at the hearings?

Supporting information

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How are we doing? Is there anything you would like to tell us?
Please support the Otago museum and preserve the educational possibilities for generations in the future. We bring students to the Otago museum so that they can experience hands on educational experiences. We stay overnight so that we have time to investigate as many exhibitions as possible. We visit the planetarium and tie this into our curriculum learning back at school. We are a rural School and can not access a museum of this quality without great cost to our families and transport. If funding is cut, or not increased, we will no longer be able to afford to bring our students for this experience. This museum is a treasure of Dunedin and it should be recognised as such, through proper funding. Please ensure it remains accessible to all by funding it appropriately.

What other ideas should we be thinking about to include in future plans for our city?
