Bins out


Submission id number: 963448

Submitter name:
Beatrice Lee


Do you want to speak to Councillors at the hearings?

Supporting information


How are we doing? Is there anything you would like to tell us?
Dust suppression and Otta seal: I hear DCC voted to ask residents to pay half the cost of dust suppression oil from now on. The oil is ineffective and lasted less than 3 weeks in the height of this summer's dry weather. The main cause of dust on Double Hill Road, where we live, is logging trucks, taking DCC forests' logs out. I see that councillors also noted that roads with dust problems should be changed to Otta seal over time. I support this idea, and would ask that Double Hill Road be done first, especially beside the houses right beside the road (which DCC approved to be built that close, even though they knew there would be logging operations in the future from DCC forests). There is no water reticulation on our road, so DCC also knew we would have to collect rain water, which is full of dust now too.

What other ideas should we be thinking about to include in future plans for our city?
