Bins out


Submission id number: 964914

Submitter name:
Colin Weatherall

item 1 Chair D L C item 2/ resident of city

Do you want to speak to Councillors at the hearings?

Supporting information

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How are we doing? Is there anything you would like to tell us?
some concerns City Safety 1/ Annual plan funds committed to CCTV upgrade 2 years ago transferred to property Unspent in critial investment in city Health & Safety a critical need in our citis wellfare $700k please confirm intention to recommit funds into reality ASETT building lack of 3 Ws regardless of Govts direction on this Super project lets have the Storm water focus actioned Many parts of our city have NO storm water system Keep up the city wide focus of well being in our community Tough going out there for many

What other ideas should we be thinking about to include in future plans for our city?
